
Installation (Quick Start):

To begin using file-clerk in your Python project, you may install with: pip install file-clerk

Getting Started

import file_clerk.clerk as clerk

# get the path to your project files (you want to manipulate)
# use posix path format (forward slashes)
project_path = "path/to/project"

# get all files as strings from project folder
all_project_files = clerk.get_all_project_files(project_path)

# get only the HTML files
html_only_files = clerk.get_all_files_of_type(project_path, "html")

# get extension to file (without the dot)
file_extension = get_file_type("path/to/file.ext")

# extract a list of sentences from a paragraph:
paragraph = "No, I'll fix it. I'm good at fixing rot. Call me the Rotmeister. "
paragraph += "No, I'm the Doctor. Don't call me the Rotmeister."
sentences = clerk.split_into_sentences(paragraph)
number_sentences = len(sentences) # equals 5

# Make sure a file exists - helps to avoid file not found errors
exists = clerk.file_exists(possible_file_path)

# Get the contents of a file as a string (but only if it exists)
if exists:
    file_contents = clerk.file_to_string(possible_file_path)